Join us in this incredible opportunity to make 64 life-changing Christian Hero books available to over 1.3 million inmates (50% of the entire US prison population)!

 "Thank you for your generosity in sending your books to us here at the King County Jail. I'm encouraged to do better and make better choices as a result of getting back on with God's calling."
- Inmate Duane, King Co. Jail, Seattle, WA

Christian Heroes: Then & Now stories of real Christian men and women will present inmates with the hope and challenge of Christian faith, help them grow in spiritual maturity and illustrate how God works through the lives of His people."
- Susan Rae, VP, Program Development, Prison Fellowship 


The power of story can truly change a life. With well over 2 million Hero books in print, that message has been repeatedly confirmed to us by the thousands of reader comments describing personal and family-wide transformation. 

Working in conjunction with Christian Library International, we have developed a project to reach US prison inmates with the gospel via the life-changing Christian Heroes: Then & Now biography series. We now have the opportunity to make these impactful portrayals of the Christian life available to over 1.3 million inmates. That's 50 percent of the entire US prison population!

Financial assistance from ministry partners has enabled us to deliver a 64-book set (42 in English and 22 in Spanish) of the Christian Heroes: Then & Now to a US prison for only $77.10. Christian Library International (CLI) has provided access to deliver these sets of books to 2,005 prisons and jails (this number is constantly changing depending on availability). These facilities average 1,000 inmates each, which will make the books available to over 1.3 million men and women in prison.

Please consider joining with us in this important undertaking. If requested, we will provide you with the name of your sponsored prison or prisons so that you can pray, individually or as a family, for prisoners as they encounter through story the lives of your "missionaries" to these prisons.

In my nearly 40 years in Christian publishing, I see this project as unparalleled in its potential and promise to impact the lives of those who need to hear the credible and applicable gospel presentation that these books provide.

Books have already been delivered to 2,005 prisons, but your help is needed to accomplish the goal.

"Whatever you did for one of the least of these my brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40

Warren Walsh
Editorial Director

  • $77.10 will deliver 64 Christian Heroes: Then & Now titles to one US prison (only $1.20 per book)

  • Tax-deductible receipts will be provided for all funds donated.

  • Publisher: 0764224859
  • ISBN: PDP101
  • SKU: PDP101

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