River People
Taking God's Love and Transforming Power to the Amazon
By Kent and Josephine Truehl

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YWAM Price: $9.99
SKU:  89403
Manufacturer Part #:  9781576589403
Slowly the boat pushed us forward, away from certain shipwreck, and gained the upper hand in its struggle against the surging current. The victory did not spark spontaneous celebration; rather, we spent the next moments in a trembling recovery.

Kent, an American, and Josephine, an Australian, journeyed to an unfamiliar continent and set out to live on a riverboat deep in the jungle. With their four young children and ministry team, they served on the Purus River in the Amazon, bringing education, health care, and the love of God to remote communities. The result is an unforgettable story of sacrifice, adventure, and transformation.

This is a page-turner. Set against the backdrop of the River People and the indigenous tribes of the Amazon rain forest, Kent and Josephine’s story is more than an adventure. . . . This is a guide to meaningful living for everybody.”
- John Dawson, president emeritus, Youth With A Mission

Kent and Josephine Truehl helped pioneer three ministry bases in the Brazilian Amazon. Today they travel internationally, teaching seminars on all aspects of Christian discipleship, missions, and development.

International Adventures series - Amazing true stories of spiritual victory and personal triumph. On every continent, in every nation, God is at work in and through the lives of believers. From the streets of Amsterdam to remote Pacific islands to the jungles of Ecuador and beyond, each international adventure that emerges is a dramatic episode that could be directed only by the hand of God...

Pages: 242 (paperback)
Ages: 14+

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  • Publisher: YWAM PUBLISHING
  • ISBN: 9781576589403
  • SKU: 89403

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